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Since the beginning of the century, the IEECAS has been actively conducting researches on the Chinese Continental Environmental Scientific Drilling (CESD). Currently, the core base at IEECAS is the only one of earth environment and global change studies in China. High-quality sediment cores have been successively retrieved from the Lop Nor, Heqing paleolake in Yunnan province, Jianghan plain, western Chinese Loess Plateau and Lake Qinghai, etc., and about 17,000 meters of eolian/lacustrine sediment cores have been obtained. In addition, more than 3,000 meters of high-resolution limnology or peat short cores and more than 10,000 samples of tree ring, giant clams and speleothem have been collected. Overall, we have obtained a large number of precious geological and biological samples and records, and established a cold storage repository of the continental environmental cores that meets international standards.
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