Chinese Loess Plateau (Jingyuan and Gulang loess sections) grain size dataset (60KYrBP-present)
Key words
Jingyuan and Gulang loess sections, grain size
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The last glacial period was characterized by abrupt, millennial-scale climate change. These climate fluctuations are particularly pronounced in records of the East Asian monsoon system, and seem to be linked to changes in North Atlantic circulation. Here we present records of grain size variations from the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau, dated using optically stimulated luminescence. We reconstruct changes in the strength of the East Asian winter monsoon over the past 60,000 years and find reconstructed millennial-scale variations that are broadly correlated with temperature variations over Greenland, suggesting a common forcing. We investigate the effect of a slow-down of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on the monsoon system using a coupled climate model simulation with added freshwater flux into the northern North Atlantic, and find a strengthening winter monsoon circulation over the regions that supply dust to the Loess Plateau and a reduction in summer monsoon precipitation over East Asia. We conclude that Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is a driver of abrupt change in the East Asian winter and summer monsoon systems, and that the northern westerlies play a role in transmitting this signal from the North Atlantic to the Asian monsoon regions.
Data description
a. Description of Intellectual Property Rights
When using a dataset, please refer to the following documents in the article:
Sun, Y.B., S.C. Clemens, C. Morrill, X.P. Lin, X.L. Wang, and Z.S. An. 2012. Influence of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on the East Asian winter monsoon. Nature Geoscience, Vol. 5, pp. 46-49. DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1326
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East Asian Paleoenvironmental Science Database (,National Earth System Science Data Sharing Infrastructure, National Science & Technology Infrastructure of China (
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Acknowledgement for the data support from “East Asian Paleoenvironmental Science Database (,National Earth System Science Data Sharing Infrastructure, National Science & Technology Infrastructure of China. (”.
c. Contacts
Name: Data processing group
Company: Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tel: 029-62336213
Dataset format
Data type
Aeolian and lacustrine sediments/Aeolian sediments/Aeolian sediments
Data sources
NOAA and authors
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Contact card |
Name:谭婷丹 | |
Company:西安市雁塔区雁翔路 |
Telephone:18792969062 |