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关键词 Paleomagnetic,multi-proxies, modeling results
相关数据 The mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) is widely recognized as a shift in paleoclimatic periodicity from 41- to 100-kyr cycles, which largely reflects integrated changes in global ice volume, sea level, and ocean temperature from the marine realm. However, much less is known about monsoon-induced terrestrial vegetation change across the MPT. Here, on the basis of a 1.7-million-year δ13C record of loess carbonates from the Chinese Loess Plateau, we document a unique MPT reflecting terrestrial vegetation changes from a dominant 23-kyr periodicity before 1.2 Ma to combined 100, 41, and 23-kyr cycles after 0.7 Ma, very different from the conventional MPT characteristics. Model simulations further reveal that the MPT transition likely reflects decreased sensitivity of monsoonal hydroclimate to 21-kyr insolation forcing as the Northern Hemisphere became increasingly glaciated through the MPT. Our proxy-model comparison suggests varied responses of temperature and precipitation to astronomical and ice/CO2 forcing, which greatly improves our understanding of monsoon variability and dynamics from the natural past to the anthropogenic future.
数据说明 a. Description of Intellectual Property Rights When using a dataset, please refer to the following documents in the article: Youbin Sun, Qiuzhen Yin, Michel Crucifix, Steven.C. Clemens, P. Araya-Melo, Weiguo Liu, Xiaoke Qiang, Qingsong Liu, Hui Zhao, Lianji Liang, Hongyun Chen, Ying Li, Li Zhang, Guocheng Dong, Ming Li, Weijian Zhou, Andre Berger & Zhisheng An. 2019. Diverse manifestations of the mid-Pleistocene climate transition. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-08257-9 b. The data labels refer to the following specifications: Data sources refer to the following specifications: Chinese Expression: 国家科技基础条件平台-国家地球系统科学数据共享服务平台(http://www.geodata.cn)-东亚古环境科学数据库(http://paleodata.ieecas.cn/index.aspx); English Expression: East Asian Paleoenvironmental Science Database (http://paleodata.ieecas.cn/index.aspx),National Earth System Science Data Sharing Infrastructure, National Science & Technology Infrastructure of China (http://www.geodata.cn). Acknowledgments refer to the following specifications: Acknowledgments in Chinese: 感谢国家科技基础条件平台-国家地球系统科学数据共享服务平台(http://www.geodata.cn)-东亚古环境科学数据库(http://paleodata.ieecas.cn/index.aspx)提供数据支撑。 Acknowledgments in English: Acknowledgement for the data support from “East Asian Paleoenvironmental Science Database (http://paleodata.ieecas.cn/index.aspx),National Earth System Science Data Sharing Infrastructure, National Science & Technology Infrastructure of China. (http://www.geodata.cn)”. c. Contacts Name: Data processing group Company: Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tel: 029-62336213 Email: eapsd@ieecas.cn
数据集格式 excel
数据分类 风成与湖相沉积/风尘沉积/风尘沉积
数据来源 文献作者提供原始数据
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姓名:Dr. Hongli Zhao 邮箱:zhaohl@ieecas.cn
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