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The concentrations and ratios of 10Be and 7Be in the atmosphere of Xi'an
DOI 10.1038/s43247-024-01727-7
Key words Cosmogenic 10Be and 7Be ratio, Xian, dust 10Be
Related data We have provided daily resolution atmospheric 10Be and 7Be data for Xian from 2020 to 2021, respectively
Data description a. description of lntellectual Property Rights When using a dataset, please refer to the following documents in the article:
Liu, X., Fu, Y., Zhang, L.?et al.?Deep stratospheric intrusion events in China revealed on the ground by cosmogenic?10Be/7Be.?Commun Earth Environ?5, 553 (2024).
Name: Xuke LIU et al. & Data processing group
Company: Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dataset format excel
Data type AMS data/AMS data/AMS data
Data sources authors supply
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